Setting up High Availability

Setting up High Availability

In this article we would be setting up two instances of NetYCE that would act as Master-master relationship.

Pre conditions

  1. It is assumed we already have cloned the primary server or set up a new one.
  2. If you have installed a new system (VM), make sure that the disk is sufficiently sized.
  3. You've followed the Installation guide, mainly for the network setup, using and
  4. License for HA is deployed.

Lab setup      

The two server names for this case are assumed as below:
Primary hostname: genie
Secondary hostname: specter
Follow the article Installing the NetYCE software for setting each of the instances separately.
Note down the addresses or fqdn for each of the systems and ensure both the systems are reachable.
genie FQDN\IP address: 
specter FQDN\IP address: 

Setting up replication in first server

Now we are running in the genie to add specter.  
The interactive setup to add the new server begins as below: Type [A] to add.
Specifying further details such as hostname, domain name, ipv4 and ipv6(if applicable or "none")
Verify the name and address of the specter server is correct.  If so press "C" to continue:

Enter the details for YCE Server roles as below:
Use appropriate answers in 'specter' is DNS resolvable?  In case of this lab setup they were not DNS resolvable.
Note the database ids used here: 
genie Db-id - 1
specter Db-id - 2, we have to use same values in the specter setup:

Verify the details of the YCE server role and 'C' to continue as below:
Verify the details of YCE server database mapping.  If they don't need any changes use 'C' to continue.

Continue the wizard for finally creating configuration for

Setting up replication in second server:

Similar steps to execute on 'specter' now:
Run to add 'genie' this time:

Enter the YCE-Server roles as below:
Use appropriate options under 'DNS resolvable y/n'
Note that the database-id value for specter is changed from '1' to '2'.  This is to keep same settings as in 'genie'

Fill in the details for (2) as below:
Confirm the yce server database mapping:

Complete the further prompts to generate the configuration file for specter.

Start Replication slave

Access the GUI, 
(1) System -> System Status -> (2) Start Replication Slave 


Verify the Replication status is "OK" on both the servers under Database status in the same page.



In case of out-of-sync databases that need to be resolved use -x -R in each of the servers one after the other.
This performs a 'repair-all' for both the databases.   Access -h for more help.

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