How to run Basic command Job

How to run Basic command Job


Basic command Jobs are basically used to automate day to day jobs.
This article is about executing our first job, with minimal information.  Below are the 5 steps involved.
  1. Select the Node
  2. Load the Job
  3. Define the config commands to execute(Optional)
  4. Schedule the Job
  5. Verify the job status
In the below article we would be applying logging server configuration to the selected nodes.

Select the Node

campus01-bdr01 is the node on which would be executing the change.
(1) Operate -> New Jobs -> Cmdb Jobs 
There are two types of Jobs here, Cmdb Jobs and YCE Jobs based on the type of node.  The steps for both the type of Jobs is the same.
(2) Enter the device name under Devices list or select the node name from the Node groups as below
(3) Next


Load the Job

(1) Ensure the required node is selected(in this case campus01-bdr01)
(2) Load the required Job(in this case Default basic command job


Define the config commands to execute (Optional)

(3) logging host  is defined in this case

Schedule the Job

We can schedule the Job to run at specific time:
(1) Specify type when to run the job, in this case Now
(2) Schedule


Once clicked on Schedule we see a confirmation page that the job is scheduled.

Verify the job status

To verify the Job status, open a duplicate tab and then proceed as per below menu:
(1) Operate -> Job status -> Scheduled Jobs
(2) State: shows the Job state as done
(3) For detailed Job Logs click on Job_ID in this case 0218_0003


To understand the Job logs refer to How to review Job Logs

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